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A.R.T. Wave Fundraiser for Hakiym

April 5 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Please mark your calendars.

It takes a village! Please sign up to perform, volunteer, donate a silent auction or raffle item with this link: Interest Form ART Wave

Fundraiser to support Brian “Hakiym Sha’ir” Simpson, a Black father, firefighter, community leader, and poet who was wrongfully incarcerated for defending himself against a racially motivated physical attack while on the job in Josephine County, Oregon.

Case Details
You may or may not have heard about this case already. Some key details include the aggressor admitted in court to initiating the attack while using racial slurs, the aggressor was found with drugs in his system (including fentanyl), and Hakiym defended himself using no weapons and fleeing the attack (reporting to his boss) as witnessed by other firefighters. In a wildly unjust trial with an all white jury and a judge with a history of overturned convictions, Hakiym was sentenced to up to 6 years in prison at Snake River Correctional Institution (a rural prison that is notorious for violence, frigid temperatures, and inadequate nutrition). He has four young boys. He has spent his life as a community leader transforming lives and inspiring youth. He was recognized by the late great Rosa Parks for his tireless efforts in advocating for change. For more information and to sign the petition to Governor Tina Kotek, please visit the J4H webpage on B.A.S.E.’s website

Benefit Show & Party Details:A.R.T. Wave (Amazing Revolutionary Transformation)

Saturday, April 5th, 2025 6pm-9pm at the Bellview Grange in Ashland (1050 Tolman Creek Rd) and live-streamed online.

This is an evening of community coming together, sharing our talents and resources, to raise funds and awareness for Hakiym and his campaign (that’s determined to see him fully exonerated and reunited with his family). Hakiym’s story will be shared by friends and family, as well as his winning poetry. Local poets, including the amazing Manya Yana Campos, and local musicians (including Los Mapaches, an outstanding cumbia band) will share their talents. Donations from supportive local businesses, artists, and community members (including Rise Up! Artisan BreadThe English Lavender FarmLuna Mexican Cuisine and so many more), will be both auctioned and bundled into raffle baskets. Ways to get involved in Hakiym’s campaign as well as petitions to sign will also be available.

RSVP on Eventbrite– Free with suggested sliding scale donation.

Hakiym provided the name for the event and is contributing to several aspects in ways that he can! Pictures of him on the attached flyer from left to right are of Hakiym reciting spoken word, a mural dedicated to him in his hometown of downtown Cincinnati, and in firefighter gear in Oregon.

Ways to Contribute to A.R.T. Wave:

  • Volunteering – set-up and take down of event, running sections of the event, tech support, etc.
  • Performing – We are looking for poets and musicians to share their talents live at the show (about 5-20 minute long performances). BIPOC performers will be prioritized. We are also planning a second event (a virtual benefit concert for a later date), so please indicate if you are interested in staying involved for that! Hakiym is a part of our local poetry scene, so it would be especially meaningful to have overwhelming support from Southern Oregon’s creative arts community!
  • Silent Auction & Raffle – We are asking for your support in the form of donated items for the auction and raffle. We envision larger items for a silent auction, and smaller items to be bundled into raffle baskets. Your contribution, whether a piece of art, service, gift certificate, or any item of value would be greatly appreciated. All donations are needed and welcome.
  • Donating Food or Drink – We want to sell food and drink (alcoholic and nonalcoholic) at the event as part of the fundraiser, and are looking for donations so that all of the proceeds can go directly to the cause. Let us know if you or your business have anything you can donate in quantities large enough for 100-200 people.

Please fill out the A.R.T. Wave Interest Form to let us know how you’d like to contribute! All volunteers, performers, and donors will be honored and appropriately recognized for your support in helping to raise funds for Hakiym in his fight for freedom and against racial injustice.

We kindly ask that all responses be made as soon as possible so that we have enough time to work your contribution into the event. Deadline for performers and food is 3/22. Deadline for auction & raffle donations is 3/29.

What will the raised funds be used for?

All funds raised will go to Hakiym’s support fund, which will be used to support Hakiym’s survival while fighting unjust conviction and imprisonment. Everything in prison costs money– from personal hygiene items, warm clothing, extra food and phone calls and postage to stay in touch with his kids. With direction from Hakiym and his chosen support team, funds may also be used to support travel and lodging for visiting family and supporters, legal costs, and other incidental costs that support the campaign to Free Hakiym. When Hakiym is free, any left over funds will be used to support him and his family in recovering from the financial impacts of incarceration.

Donate now on Venmo through @siskiyoumutualaid or on PayPal through siskiyoumutualaid@gmail.com Please include “Justice 4 Hakiym” in the memo. All donations are tax-deductible.

Thank you

Please share this info far and wide! Questions about A.R.T. Wave? Please reach out to j4hbenefit@gmail.com

To get involved in the Justice for Hakiym campaign and to stay updated on all the progress (like another large community meeting in Grants Pass on 4/12, an upcoming Prayer Walk in May, the upcoming Virtual Benefit Concert, and more) please reach out to justiceforhakiym@gmail.com as there are so many needs for support. Hakiym’s appeal lawyer said that she moved his case to the top of her list based on community involvement!

“…Thank you for bringing awareness to my unfortunate situation … May your kindness, compassion, and creativity help shine light, chasing the darkness and ugliness of oppression away…Let’s get wavy! Let this not be a fleeting meeting but a continuation of Amazing Revolutionary Transformation.”

  – Hakiym Sha’ir

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April 5
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Bellviewe Grange
1050 Tolman Creek Road
Ashland, OR 97520 United States
+ Google Map

If you have a racial justice event you would like us to share, please contact us at ashlandtogether@gmail.com